01.09.2013 - 06.09.2013
Teilnehmer: 47
Wettfahrten: 10
Gesegelt: 10
Multiplikator: 5
Ranglistenfaktor: 1.55
Platz | Teilnehmer | Verein | Segelnummer | Wettfahrten | Punkte | Ranglistenpunkte |
1 | Blank, Andreas | SCG | GERxxx | 6,3,1,8,4,[11],8,7,8,3 | 48 | 155.00 |
2 | Furthmann, Walther | YCS | GER466 | 11,5,14,3,1,8,[21],4,6,1 | 53 | 151.70 |
3 | Kipcke, Ulf | KYC | GER739 | 1,1,9,2,[31],10,24,5,1,5 | 58 | 148.40 |
4 | Bleifuß, Joachim | SSC | GERxxx | 7,2,16,5,[19],2,12,2,10,7 | 63 | 145.11 |
5 | Pflüger, Udo | VSaW | GERxxx | 10,9,[22],1,14,17,1,1,5,6 | 64 | 141.81 |
6 | Breitenbach, Dr. Jürgen | SVS | GER417 | 2,7,27,6,7,13,2,[35],4,2 | 70 | 138.51 |
7 | Hasselmann, Rainer | YCRE | GERxxx | 8,4,3,23,11,12,5,9,20,[39] | 95 | 135.21 |
8 | Durst, Sönke | LRV | GER564 | 17,[18],7,7,18,4,16,3,15,10 | 97 | 131.91 |
9 | Kuke, Michael | SSC | GERxxx | 3,23,13,17,10,7,9,8,[27],14 | 104 | 128.62 |
10 | Fischer, Reinhard | SPYC | GER700 | 23,8,8,[30],22,6,14,15,11,12 | 119 | 125.32 |
11 | Kiewning, Rainer | SCN/DBYC | GERxxx | 16,6,2,26,9,5,19,25,[34],16 | 124 | 122.02 |
12 | Klein, Kristian | SCN | GERxxx | 13,19,19,4,3,19,23,22,[BFD],13 | 135 | 118.72 |
13 | Fenger, Gerhard | SSC | GER5xx | 22,25,12,12,2,20,17,[27],9,21 | 140 | 115.43 |
14 | May, Gunter | SV03 | GERxxx | 5,22,[28],21,12,1,28,10,19,24 | 142 | 112.13 |
15 | Knegendorf, Sabine | SCO | GER902 | 18,11,29,18,6,15,29,16,[35],4 | 146 | 108.83 |
16 | Kiewning, Lars | VSaW | GER481 | 12,10,5,20,23,[38],37,24,7,9 | 147 | 105.53 |
17 | Klabunde, Stefan | SCG | GERxxx | 26,[DNC],24,9,27,14,11,20,2,15 | 148 | 102.23 |
18 | Friedrich, Christian | SVUH | GER580 | 25,[32],4,16,25,16,4,13,17,30 | 150 | 98.94 |
19 | Metzing, Thomas | PYC | GER1091 | 24,24,11,13,8,[44],35,6,18,22 | 161 | 95.64 |
20 | Haubold, Andreas | VSaW | GERxxx | 15,17,21,29,13,29,[34],11,14,20 | 169 | 92.34 |
21 | Willibald, Rainer | YCG | GERxxx | 37,27,37,[41],5,39,7,17,3,8 | 180 | 89.04 |
22 | Krüger, Klaus | SCN | GERxxx | 9,26,26,24,17,[33],10,30,12,29 | 183 | 85.74 |
23 | Mahrt, Friedrich | MiYC | GERxxx | 4,12,15,28,16,40,18,28,[BFD],25 | 186 | 82.45 |
24 | Schlenhoff, Goswin | WSB | GERxxx | 14,20,6,22,[39],18,27,33,28,18 | 186 | 79.15 |
25 | Löffler, Klaus | SVST | GERxxx | 19,28,17,10,33,24,15,29,25,[38] | 200 | 75.85 |
26 | Stübecke, Paul | BYC | GERxxx | 20,13,23,32,26,35,6,21,[BFD],41 | 217 | 72.55 |
27 | Haase, Heino | SVT | GER482 | 21,14,29,27,28,27,13,[38],21,37 | 217 | 69.26 |
28 | Dörband, Günter | SPYC | GER764 | 28,31,10,34,[46],32,33,36,13,11 | 228 | 65.96 |
29 | Hahn, Peter F. | SCG | GER1001 | 27,15,[35],15,24,34,31,23,30,31 | 230 | 62.66 |
30 | Hacker, Christian | SCO | GER759 | [45],33,31,31,35,23,3,34,16,28 | 234 | 59.36 |
31 | Hahn, Hans-Dieter | BYC | GERxxx | 40,36,18,14,29,[42],22,12,31,36 | 238 | 56.06 |
32 | Rempen, Dimitri | SPYC | GER947 | 31,21,32,33,34,22,25,[42],24,17 | 239 | 52.77 |
33 | Nawrot, Gabriele | SV03 | GER789 | 30,30,36,40,[43],9,32,14,36,19 | 246 | 49.47 |
34 | Thaysen, Dr. Johannes | SSC | GERxxx | 29,29,34,11,15,36,26,45,[BFD],23 | 248 | 46.17 |
35 | Hosie, Peter | JKN | GER774 | 32,16,42,19,[BFD],28,20,26,40,45 | 268 | 42.87 |
36 | Kunze, Gerhard | SVPK | GER461 | 36,[45],25,42,20,41,38,19,23,26 | 270 | 39.57 |
37 | Winkelmann, Rainer | SCN | GER587 | 39,34,20,25,[45],3,42,37,33,44 | 277 | 36.28 |
38 | Nielsen, Dr. Karl-Peter | VSaW | GER728 | 34,39,38,35,21,21,[40],18,38,35 | 279 | 32.98 |
39 | Fahnenstich, Heiner | YCRE | GER664 | [43],40,39,38,38,26,39,31,32,39 | 322 | 29.68 |
40 | Bilgoraj, Jan | SCA | GER711 | 33,43,[45],44,30,37,36,44,26,33 | 326 | 26.38 |
41 | Weber, Norbert | BYC | GER673 | 35,38,43,39,41,31,30,39,[BFD],34 | 330 | 23.09 |
42 | Trunz, Andreas | CKA | GER475 | 42,44,40,36,44,30,[46],41,37,27 | 341 | 19.79 |
43 | Heitz, Dr. Jörg | VSaW | GER708 | [46],42,33,37,32,25,44,43,41,46 | 343 | 16.49 |
44 | Köckritz, Günter | SCG | GER761 | 38,35,41,[46],40,45,45,32,39,32 | 347 | 13.19 |
45 | Huber, Rolf M. | KYC | GERxxx | 44,37,[47],45,36,47,41,47,22,42 | 361 | 9.89 |
46 | Krusche, Manfred | SCA | GER1089 | 41,41,[46],43,42,46,43,46,29,43 | 374 | 6.60 |
47 | Träder, Dr. Christian | VSaW | GER265 | 47,46,44,47,37,43,[OCS],40,42,47 | 393 | 3.30 |
[x]: Streichergebnis
BFD: Black Flag Disqualified
DNC: Did not compete
DNE: DSQ, not excludable
DNF: Did not finish
DNS: Did not start
DPI: Discretionary penalty imposed
DSQ: Disqualified
OCS: On the course side of the starting line
RDG: Redress given
RET: Retired
UFD: U-Flag Disqualified